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Showing posts from November, 2021

Hold Up Your Head

You were not made for failure but success; Not born for sorrow but for happiness. Keep this in mind through all life's storms and stress. Hold up your head. You were not born a slave but free as air, In all the beauty of the world you share, Now banish fear and brush away dull care. Hold up your head. The heroes of the world are true kin. You, too, have greatness buried deep within. Give it a chance; no fight too hard to win. Hold up your head. Remember this great world has need of you, Has need of all the work that you can do; And of your visions and your ideals too. Hold up your head. Hark to the drums of life! They throb and roll; Inspire with courage the responsive soul. March on, you're bound to reach your goal. Hold up your head. Poet:  Wilhelmina Stitch